Stop Cane Toads! Protect your pets using our Certified Cane Toad Program.

Bufo Toads, also known as Cane Toads, are the largest of the frogs and toads found in Florida. This toad is not native to the United States. Known scientifically as Bufo Marinus, the Cane Toad, Giant Toad, or Marine Toad is native to an area extending from Mexico and Central America to the Amazon Basin and was introduced to Florida in 1966 in an attempt to control the population of a type of beetle that was ravaging the sugar cane crops. They have immense appetites, breed frequently, and secrete a poisonous fluid that makes them unpalatable to all but a tiny handful of native animals and poisonous to many. When the Cane Toad is threatened or handled, it secretes a highly toxic milky substance from its large glands at the back of its head, behind the ears. This secretion can burn your eyes, may irritate your skin, and can kill cats and dogs if they ingest the secretion. Symptoms of Cane Toad poisoning in pets include drooling, head-shaking, crying, loss of coordination, and, in more serious cases, convulsions and/or death. Your pets deserve the best protection against Cane Toads. That’s why we went to work to find the best solution. Our Certified Cane Toad Program uses specialized Cane Toad Traps that allow us to humanely catch and remove Cane Toads from your property. Guard your pets today, and sign up for our Certified Cane Toad Program. Call Certified Pest Control today 239-877-4041.